Bruce Jackson, NASA Langley Research Center <[email protected]>
Shown below is a Matlab® script, dave_demo.m, that exercises a DAVE-ML model, using the DAVEtools Java objects.
In order to work properly, it may be necessary to edit the classpath.txt file found in $MATLAB_ROOT/toolbox/local directory to include explicit paths to three .jar files that are included in the distribution:
a. Execute the following on the MATLAB Command line: cd([matlabroot,'/toolbox/local']) edit classpath.txt b. The "classpath.txt" file will open in the editor window. Scroll to the last line of the file and include the full path of the library files. For example: /Users/ebjackso/Documents/Projects/DAVE/DAVEtools/lib/jdom-1.1.1.jar /Users/ebjackso/Documents/Projects/DAVE/DAVEtools/lib/xerces-2.9.0.jar /Users/ebjackso/Documents/Projects/DAVE/DAVEtools/lib/resolver-1.2.jar c. Save the “classpath.txt” in the folder that is returned by the following command: userpath
dave_demo.m listing
function dave_demo % % example of calling a DAVE-ML model from within Matlab % % requires a copy of DAVEtools (NASA Open Source), available % from % % % % 2011-03-07 Bruce Jackson, NASA Langley % [email protected] % % pathNeeded = 1; f = strfind(javaclasspath('-dynamic'),'DAVEtools.jar'); if ~isempty(f) if ~isempty(f{1}) pathNeeded = 0; end end if pathNeeded javaaddpath('/Users/bjax/DAVE/Tools/DAVEtools/DAVEtools.jar') end dave = gov.nasa.daveml.dave.DAVE(); dave.setInputFileName('HL20_aero.dml') ok = dave.parseFile; if ~ok error('unable to parse file') end % open model mass_props = dave.getModel; % set inputs to zero inputs = mass_props.getInputVector; for i=1:inputs.size input = inputs.get(i-1); input.setValue(0); end outputs = mass_props.getOutputVector; % initialize and cycle the model mass_props.initialize mass_props.cycle % report results fprintf('Inputs:\n'); theVector = inputs; printVectorInfo( theVector ); fprintf('Outputs:\n'); theVector = outputs; printVectorInfo( theVector ); return function printVectorInfo( theVector ) for i=1:theVector.size signal = theVector.get(i-1); name = signal.getName; units = signal.getUnits; value = signal.getValue; fprintf('%34s (%10s): %15.4e\n', char(name), char(units), value) end return