A description of each element of DAVE-ML is given below.
address - Street address or other contact information of an author |
author - Gives name and contact information for originating party of the associated data |
bpRef - Reference to a breakpoint list |
bpVals - String of comma-separated values of breakpoints |
breakpointDef - Defines breakpoint sets to be used in model |
breakpointRefs - Reference to a breakpoint definition |
calculation - Used to delimit a MathML v2 calculation |
confidenceBound - Defines the confidence in a function |
dataPoint - Defines each point of an ungridded table |
dataTable - Gives a name to a table of function data |
DAVEfunc - Root level element |
dependentVarPts - Defines output breakpoint values |
dependentVarRef - Identifies the signal to be associated with the output of a function |
description - Verbal description of an entity |
documentRef - Reference to an external document |
extraDocRef - Allows multiple documents to be associated with a single modification event |
fileCreationDate - Gives date of creation of entity |
fileHeader - States source and purpose of file |
fileVersion - Indicates the version of the document |
function - Defines a function by combining independent variables, breakpoints, and tables. |
functionCreationDate - Date of creation of a function table |
functionDefn - Defines a function by associating a table with other information |
griddedTable - Definition of a gridded table; associates breakpoint data with table data. |
griddedTableDef - Defines an orthogonally-gridded table of data points |
griddedTableRef - Reference to a gridded table definition |
independentVarPts - Simple definition of independent breakpoints |
independentVarRef - References a predefined signal as an input to a function |
isOutput - Flag to identify non-obvious output signals from model |
modificationRecord - To associate a reference single letter with a modification event |
modificationRef - Reference to associated modification information |
provenance - Describes origin or history of the associated information |
provenanceRef - References a previously defined data provenance description. |
reference - Describes an external document |
ungriddedTable - Definition of an ungridded set of function data |
ungriddedTableDef - Defines a table of data, each with independent coordinates |
ungriddedTableRef - Reference to an ungridded table |
variableDef - Defines signals used in DAVE-ML model |