6.3. Function interpolation/extrapolation

It is possible to specify the method of interpolation to be used for non-linear function tables by use of the interpolation attribute of the <independentVarPts> and <independentVarRef> elements. This attribute, combined with the 'extrapolate' flag, provide several different ways of realizing the intermediate values of the function when not at one of the specified intersections of independent values.

Implementation of the specific interpolation algorithm is left up to the application, however, the following implementation notes are suggested:

The figures below give nine different examples for a one-dimensional table whose independent values are [1, 3, 4, 6, 7.5] with dependent values of [2, 6, 5, 7, 1.5].

Figure 4.  Example of the three discrete enumeration values of interpolate attribute of the <independentVarPts> and <independentVarRef> elements for a one-dimensional function table.

Example of the three discrete enumeration values of interpolate attribute of the <independentVarPts> and <independentVarRef> elements for a one-dimensional function table.

Figure 5.  Examples of the three higher-order interpolation methods showing the effect of the interpolate attribute of the <independentVarPts> and <independentVarRef> elements for a one-dimensional function table.

Examples of the three higher-order interpolation methods showing the effect of the interpolate attribute of the <independentVarPts> and <independentVarRef> elements for a one-dimensional function table.

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