variableDef — Defines signals used in DAVE-ML model
variableDef : name, varID, units, [axisSystem], [sign], [alias], [symbol], [initialValue], [minValue], [maxValue] description? (provenance | provenanceRef)? calculation? (isInput | isControl | isDisturbance)? isState? isStateDeriv? isOutput? isStdAIAA? uncertainty?
(optional) Possible alias name (facility specific) for the signal.
(optional) An initial and possibly constant numeric value for the signal.
(optional) A minimum value the variable shall be limited to remain greater than or equal to.
(optional) A maximum value the variable shall be limited to remain less than or equal to.
variableDef elements provide wiring information (i.e., they identify the input and output signals used by these function blocks). They also provide MathML content markup to indicate any calculation required to arrive at the value of the variable, using other variables as inputs. The variable definition can include statistical information regarding the uncertainty of the values which it might take on, when measured after any calculation is performed. Information about the reason for inclusion or change to this element can be included in an optional provenance sub-element. If either or both min or max attributes are specified, the implementer must limit the final value of the variable to remain within the specified bound(s). These attributes imply a one- or two-sided limiter function downstream of any specified calculation, input signal, or initial value. Min and max attributes may only be fixed numeric values. To provide variable limits, the modeler should employ the piecewise MathML element in a calculation subelement.