Dynamic Aerospace Vehicle Exchange Markup Language (DAVE-ML) Reference

Version 1.9b2

Version 1.9b2


This is a draft version of the eventual reference manual for DAVE-ML syntax and markup. DAVE-ML syntax is specified by the DAVEfunc.dtd Document Type Definition file; the version number above refers to the version of the DAVEfunc.dtd.

DAVE-ML is an open standard, being developed by an informal team of members of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Contact the editor above for more information or comments regarding further refinement of DAVE-ML.

  • Renamed docID attribute to refID of the <modificationRecord> so the attribute name is consistent; docID attribute is deprecated but remains for compatibility with older documents.

  • Added <correlatesWith> and <correlation> subelements of <uncertainty> element to allow for multiple-dimensioned linear correlation of uncertainty of selected functions and variables.

  • Added a new element, <contactInfo>, to replace the single <address> element. This format supports multiple ways to indicate the means of contacting the author of a document or reference. <address> is deprecated but is retained for backwards compatibility. This element also replaces the email and xns attributes of <author>.

  • Fixed typographical error in <ungriddedTableRef> element: incorrect gtID attributed corrected to utID.

  • Allowed multiple <author> elements wherever one was allowed before.

  • Added a new tag, <isStdAIAA/>, to indicate a variableDef refers to one of the standard AIAA variables.

  • Removed <[un]griddedTable[Ref|Def]> subelements of the <confidenceBound> element since this leads to circular logic.

  • Changed SYSTEM ID to reflect new daveml.nasa.gov domain availability.

  • Removed e-mail URLs to protect privacy of individual contributors.

  • Added a new attribute, interpolate, to the <independentVarPts> element to indicate whether the table interpolation should be linear or cubic spline in the given dimension [modified to include quadratic in version 1.9].

  • Added a new tag, <isState/>, to indicate a variableDef refers to a state variable in the model.

  • Added a new tag, <isStateDeriv/>, to indicate a <variableDef> refers to a state derivative variable in the model.

Added <checkData> and associated elements. Added <description> subelement to <reference> element.

Added <uncertainty> element. Emphasized MathML content markup over presentation markup. Several grammatical and typographical errors fixed; added figure 1. Added ISO 8601 (Dates and Times) reference.

The editors would like to acknowledge the contributions, encouragement and helpful suggestions from Jon Berndt (Jacobs Sverdrup), Brent York (Indra), Bill Cleveland (NASA Ames), Geoff Brian (DSTO), J. Dana McMinn (NASA Langley) and Peter Grant (UTIAS).