The breakpoint set definition element

The breakpoint set definition element, breakpointDef, is used to define a list of comma-separate values that define the coordinate values along one axis of a gridded linear function value table. It contains a mandatory bpID, a file-unique XML identifier attribute, an optional name and units-of-measure attributes, an optional text description element and the comma-separated list of floating-point values in the bpVals element. This list must be monotonically increasing in value.

    breakpointDef* : bpID, [name, units]
        description? :
        bpVals :
            (character data of comma-separated breakpoints)

breakpointDef attributes:


An XML-legal name that is unique within the file.


A UNICODE name for the set (may be same as bpID).


The units-of-measure for the breakpoint values. See the section on Conventions below.

breakpointDef sub-elements:


An optional text description of the breakpoint set.


A comma-separated, monotonically-increasing list of floating-point values.

Example 7. Two examples of breakpointDef elements

<!--                          =====================                          -->
<!-- =========================   BREAKPOINT SETS   ========================= -->
<!--                          =====================                          -->

  <breakpointDef name="Mach" bpID="XMACH1_PTS" units="">  1
      Mach number breakpoints for all aero data tables
        0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 1.1, 1.2, 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0   2

  <breakpointDef name="Lower body flap" bpID="DBFL_PTS" units="deg">
    <description>Lower body flap deflections breakpoints for tables</description>
    <bpVals>0., 15., 30., 45., 60.</bpVals>


This breakpointDef element describes a Mach breakpoint set uniquely identified as XMACH1_PTS with no associated units of measure.


The breakpoint values are given as a comma-separated list and must be in monotonically increasing order.

Two breakpoint sets are defined which are used in the function element given below (example 10). Breakpoint sets XMACH1_PTS and DBFL_PTS contain values for Mach and lower body flap deflection, respectively, which are used to look up function values in several gridded function tables; one example is given below in example 7.