Dynamic Aerospace Vehicle Exchange Markup Language (DAVE-ML) Reference

Table of Contents

1. Changes
1.1. RC3 changes
1.1.1. RC3 DTD changes
1.1.2. RC3 non-DTD changes
1.2. RC2 changes
1.3. RC1 changes
1.4. 1.9b3 changes
1.5. 1.9b2 changes
1.6. 1.8b1 changes
1.7. 1.7b1 changes
1.8. 1.6b1 changes
1.9. 1.5b3 changes
1.10. 1.5b2 changes
2. Introduction
3. Purpose
4. Background
4.1. Existing standards
4.2. DAVE-ML proposal
4.3. DAVE-ML applications
5. Supporting technologies
6. Major elements
6.1. DAVEfunc
6.2. DAVEfunc overview
6.2.1. fileHeader overview
6.2.2. variableDef overview
6.2.3. breakpointDef overview
6.2.4. griddedTableDef overview
6.2.5. ungriddedTableDef overview
6.2.6. function overview
6.2.7. checkData overview
6.3. Interpolation
6.4. Statistics
6.5. Conventions
6.5.1. Point order
6.5.2. Moment Reference
6.5.3. Subsystem decomposition
6.5.4. Date format
6.5.5. Sign conventions
6.5.6. Units
6.5.7. XML Identifiers
6.5.8. Namespace
6.6. Future
7. More information
8. Element references and descriptions
8.1. Alphabetical list of elements
8.2. Element descriptions
