This is a draft version of the eventual reference manual for DAVE-ML syntax and markup. DAVE-ML syntax is specified by the DAVEfunc.dtd Document Type Definition file; the version number above refers to the version of the DAVEfunc.dtd.
DAVE-ML is an open standard, being developed by an informal team of members of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). Contact the author above for more information or comments regarding further refinement of DAVE-ML.
Table of Contents
Added uncertainty elements. Emphasized MathML content markup over presentation markup. Several grammatical and typographical errors fixed; added figure 1. Added ISO 8601 (Dates and Times) reference.
Added Bill Cleveland (NASA Ames' SimLab) and Brent York (NAVAIR's Manned Flight Simulator) to the acknowledgements section, to thank them for their pioneering initial trials of DAVE-ML.
Added provenanceRef element and changed all parents of provenance elements to be able to use a provenanceRef reference instead (these were function, griddedTableDef and ungriddedTableDef) to eliminate duplicate provenance elements.
Realization dawned that there was little difference between griddedTable and griddedTableDefs but the latter was more flexible (ditto ungriddedTable and ungriddedTableDefs). By making the gtID and utID attributes "implied" instead of "required," we can use the Def versions in both referenced-table and embedded-table functions. Thus the original griddedTable and ungriddedTable elements have been marked as "Deprecated." They are still supported in this DTD for backwards compatibility but should be avoided in future use; the easiest way to modify older DAVE-ML models would be to rename all griddedTables as griddedTableDefs.
Fixed typos (thanks, Bill)!
Added fileVersion element to fileHeader element, so each version of a particular DAVEfunc model can be uniquely identified. Format of the version identifier is undefined.
Added an email attribute to the author element. The eXtensible Name Service (xns) standard doesn't appear to be catching on as rapidly as hoped, so a static e-mail link will have to for now.
Added a mandatory varID attribute to both independentVarPts and dependentVarPts so these can be associated with an input and output signal name (variableDef), respectively.
Added an optional extraDocRef element to the modificationRecord element so more than one document can be associated with each modification event; if only one document needs to be referenced, use of the optional refID in the modificationRecord itself will suffice.